Beogradski pulmološki dani – 22. i 23. septembar 2023.
Exacerbations: Is it all about antibiotics?
Dear colleagues, ERS is supporting the Clinical Research Collaboration EMBARC. Earlier this year the network has launched a ‘Lessons in Bronchiectasis’ Webinar Series aiming at bringing more awareness to general pulmonologist and practitioners on this disease. The series will continue on Wednesday, 19th April 2023, 14:00-15:00 CEST/ 13:00-14:00 BST. Dr Michal Shteinberg and Dr Fiona Mosgrove…
Pneumo Update Europe 2023
23 – 24 June – Amsterdam & Virtual
ERS Congress 2022 Barcelona
We are looking forward to this year’s ERS International Congress,which is taking place in Barcelona and online on 4–6 Sept. Jointmembers of our societies can benefit from discounted rates onregistration, and everyone can take advantage of the early birddiscount if you register before 5 July. Spaces onsite are limited andearly registration is recommended.
Sarcoidosis treatment for patients
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WASOG Congress 2022, 27-30 June, Sinaia, Romania
Dear colleagues,It is my pleasure to announce the organisation of this year’s WASOGInternational Congress in Romania, in the lovely mountain resort Sinaia.Having the main event on interstitial lung diseases and sarcoidosislocated close to your country is an opportunity for the members of yourrespiratory community to participate in this prestigious gathering andmeet the experts face-to-face. It…
Sastanak članova Respiratornog udruženja Srbije
Poštovani,obaveštavamo Vas da će se u petak, 06.08.2021. godine u 13 časova uBiblioteci Klinike za pulmologiju UKCS održati sastanak članovaRespiratornog udruženja Srbije.Dnevni red sastanka je izbor predsednika RUS, predsednika Skupštine RUSi sekretara RUS.Molimo da ukoliko ste u mogućnosti prisustvujete sastanku.Srdačan pozdrav,Respiratorno udruženje Srbije